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Eternal Entity: A Dark Supernatural Thriller (The Celestial Rose Book 1) Page 15

  As she came to my naval she paused.

  “Have you been attacked by a shifter Taylor?”

  “A what? No, not at all!” I exclaimed.

  “Well, I will repair what I can for you.” A warming white light radiated from her hands, passing through me, easing any aches and pains I once had to fully healed and healthy again. Even the arm felt better.

  “The sigil is in place,” she stated, standing up.

  “Thank you for your help, Eliza!”

  “Not at all, young Taylor, for one day we are to be great friends and will battle side by side. Until that time, please think of me should you need assistance and I will come.”

  “Oh, okay, it sounds like a good future!”

  “It will be, one day.” She smiled.

  I started to re-dress and suddenly remembered.

  “Just one question... where is the sigil?”

  “Ah, yes,” she chuckled. “It is here.” She pointed to my right hip where a soft white tattoo appeared. As I touched it, it glowed a bright white light underneath. I felt a surge of energy throughout me, the fog in my mind cleared, emotions eased, strength increased. I had control, and then it went. “It will only last a matter of seconds, but enough to get you out of whatever predicament you may be in.”

  “Thank you. I hope one day I’ll feel that amount of control naturally.”

  “And you will, Taylor Lane. For now, I must take my leave”.

  Chapter 15

  The following day I woke up feeling rejuvenated, like I had finally slept. Granted, I couldn’t remember my dreams, but one thing I did know is that they weren’t frightening enough to wake me from my slumber. Thankfully, Eliza’s magical sigil had done the trick.

  Being at the Darkwater mansion later that day, I discussed multiple things with Lawrence. He believed I had the ability to travel through realms, something to do with changing the frequency my body vibrates at. Which was just confusing, if you asked me. He also thought there was a possibility I could extend my own life, like the Femme Fatale and Shadelings. But I didn't plan on killing any humans, yet.

  “Why is my life more valuable than theirs?” I asked Lucian.

  “It should be, it is to me,” he said. “Look, I know you’re not the killing type, yet. That’s okay, none of us were at first. But if the need arises, then we must do what is necessary. Look at Elisha, she only takes a little from a lot. The years she removes are the ones when mortals are old, decrepit, dying of some ghastly disease. Who wants to live through that anyway?”

  “But that’s not her choice to make.”

  “No, but we don’t always get a choice in who or what we are, do we?”

  “I guess not,” I said, “but we get to choose what we do with what we have, and what type of person... or monster, that makes us.”

  “True... you always have a way of seeing beauty in everything, Taylor.” Lucian smiled.

  Silently snuggled, I felt protected and safe. We sat in the attic room, glancing out across the forest through the domed, glass ceiling. The beauty of the sun radiating warmth over the land brought a vast colour to the diminishing life-like structures beyond the trees.

  Lucian sat upright.

  “Taylor, the doctor is here.”

  Hopefully there would be more answers. After all, Seine thought I was a Disciple, but no Disciple of Lilith’s wielded the light.

  We walked down the winding staircase where the doctor stood ready to greet us. He was quite pale and surprisingly old, almost skeletal in appearance as though he had not eaten in days.

  “Taylor Lane, look how you’ve grown.”

  “Pardon? I’m sorry, I can’t recall us ever meeting.”

  “You wouldn’t, my dear, you were just a tot in your mother’s arms when we met.”

  “My mother?”

  “Yes, I am sorry for your loss, she was a wonderful woman.”

  “How did you know my mother?”

  “From the gallery, she had such a talent, a Gothic romance not often seen by the human eye. It was as though she was a part of our world. She was a truly gifted individual. I bought most of her work. I can show you them one day, if you would like?”

  “Really, you bought them? That would be great. Thank you, Doctor...”

  “Please, call me Charles.”

  “I will, thanks, Charles.”

  “Now then, what’s happening with you?” Charles said, as he ushered us over to the sitting room.

  Lawrence sat awaiting our arrival.

  “She is certainly unique, this one,” he said, smiling.

  Charles pulled out a vial of blood. “This, I believe, is yours. After Lawrence sent it over, I spent the next few days analysing it. It appears you are not like us. We have a lower level of serotonin in our blood.”

  “What does serotonin do?”

  “Serotonin inhibits violence. It is why those on our side of the coin have had a substantial amount of bloodshed in their past. Your levels, however, are equal to that of the average human, so you can control your aggressive nature better than, say, some of us can,” he said, looking at Julian who glared as he walked in the room.

  “What?” Nicholas said as he walked in with him. “I ain’t done nothin'.’”

  Lucian laughed. “So, what’s different about Taylor?”

  “Well, that’s the thing, I can’t find any difference in her blood work to the average human. It’s as though she is human, but with additional abilities and a constant temperature,” he said, pulling out a thermometer.

  “Here, Taylor, let’s take your temperature.” He inserted it into my ear. “40.2°c, the average human ranges from 36 to 37.5°c. A temperature of forty is considered a high fever, but looking at you, you look perfectly well.”

  “But what does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means you’re hotter than most.” Charles jaw creased as he laughed at his own joke.

  “I’ll say,” Lucian exclaimed, with Nic sniggering in the background.

  “Erm... thanks?” I said. “But really, what does it mean?”

  “I simply don’t know yet. But I would say it is either from the Femme Fatale or Seine you encountered. Both creatures are hot blooded.”


  “Yes, he attacked you, didn’t he? He marked you?” I nodded. “Then I would say you will have gained a few of his abilities, too.”

  “But what?”

  “I have no idea, but I suggest you try to find out before he attacks again.” I gulped.

  I thought for a moment. “But what about the shadelings, how is it possible that I can move into another realm in a human body?”

  “That, my dear, is another question,” he puzzled. “These creatures were created by point mutations that developed centuries ago, and through evolution they have become what they are now. You, however, do not have any mutations. In fact, your DNA is perfect. So perfect, it was as though you were only just born. Throughout human life, people are subject to different diseases and other environmental factors, which all impact on their DNA structure, causing mutations which can be beneficial or detrimental to the human being.”

  Charles pondered for a moment while we all listened eagerly, awaiting his diagnosis.

  “But what does that mean, Charles?” I asked impatiently.

  “It means, you’re shielded somehow. Your DNA is too perfect to be human, but not abnormal enough not to be. It’s a conundrum. We can do more tests, an MRI perhaps or lumber puncture, even? The spinal fluid could tell us much more.”

  “That sounds painful.”

  “It can be, I won’t lie. But it could give us more answers.”

  Did I really need any more answers? I’m fed up of being poked and prodded. Eliza had said that one day I would learn control, one day I would find out what I was, why I was different. But perhaps not today. After all, it was hard enough getting through college, let alone finding out I was a whole new person with a history to learn.

  “No, Charles. Thank you, bu
t no.”

  Lucian looked a little taken aback. “Why, Taylor? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, this is who I am, and now I have the ward and the sigil. I’m not in any danger, am I?”

  Lucian looked uncertain.

  Lawrence, who had sat silently listening to the whole conversation and diagnosis, spoke up.

  “No, Taylor, you can be whoever you want to be. You said you feel fine, therefore, I say we work to help you train the abilities you have and work out what happens next another day. Charles can always come back when you want to know more.”

  “Thank you, Lawrence,” I said as the others concurred.

  Lucian looked a little worried. “Okay, Taylor, well... let’s start training, shall we?”

  Day turned to night as we headed outside. I followed Lucian into the woods as he silently led the way. The night sky looked beautiful with clear skies and the constellations beaming brightly across the galaxies. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was so much in our world, so many unique beings, then what could there be up there, out there?

  Looking ahead, I realised that I had been walking alone, lost in thought, escaping reality by witnessing my own delusional storyline. What if we could travel to other worlds, out there in space? After all, I was meant to be able to travel to different realms. How many realms were there? How could I travel to them? How would I get back? So many questions, I just hoped with the training I could gain a better control over things. Then, perhaps, I could learn to wander the Universe, explore other realities and meet other life forms.

  The night wind crept amongst the bristling leaves, scattering the shadows out for us. Looking ahead, Lucian had gone. Where was he? Did something take him? The whispering of the wind surrounded me as the leaves began to dance once again. The shadows crept, alive with fury. It was clear something was coming, coming for me. I was unprotected without Lucian by my side. I remained vulnerable to the elements, to whatever lived within the woods at night. All the stories of my youth crept across my skin; the monsters under the bed, creatures in the darkness. It was all too real, and I was alone. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up in protest.

  “Lucian!” I shouted, but there was no response. “Lucian, where are you?”

  The wind howled as though it was alive with the painstaking reality of death and destruction nearby. I need to concentrate, need to find myself, protect myself. But who am I, what am I? As I had no answer to those questions, how could I protect myself? I was a vulnerable little girl in the deep dark woods, all alone and sat precariously, awaiting the predator to take its prey.

  Eliza said I would live long enough for us to do battle side by side. If this was the case, if her foresight was real, then today would not be the day I died. Today would be the day I fought, stood up, transformed myself into the powerful person I could be.

  I knew I had the Femme Fatale within me, she could lure in her prey. But what could she do to protect herself? How did she defend who she was? She would manipulate the danger, talk her way out of it, befriend the creature and grow an affection within it. Just enough, until the monster could not live without her anymore. That was how she would stay safe, protected. She would have her lovers fight for her.

  But me, well my lover was nowhere, so who was I without him? Who is Taylor Lane right now?

  I had the shadelings within me, though the thought made me shudder. But they were meant to hold a strength greater than even the Dark Ones had. What was their strength? Who were they? I thought I could do it, but I couldn't. I didn't know enough. I’m not strong enough, quick enough, good enough.

  Whatever was coming was near. It growled, pounding feet crushed the ground below. It was big, no not big. It sounded huge.

  Come on, Taylor, think! I screamed within. There must be something, some way I could protect myself. Clarity, that’s what I needed. Clarity! I pushed on the sigil Eliza imprinted and a rush of energy flowed through me, lighting the power within. Clear conscious thought gave me patience and a way of slowing down the time force within, just so I could think for a split second. Really and truly think. Who are you, Taylor Lane?

  A heaviness encased my mind as I felt a surge of light encapsulate each part of my being, warming me throughout, surging through my blood from my head to my toes. Each part clear, hot, and powerful. What was this energy? My body commenced its own warming process, steam seething out through the pores. I felt hotter and I liked it. But where did it come from? The Femme Fatale did not possess that kind of power, the fiery nature from within. It was as though my inner core had ignited with a devilish fire that could be channelled to destroy and decimate. It had to be Seine.

  I felt good. I felt strong, energetic, and dominant. I could take over the world with the feeling, succeed anything and anyone. I was Taylor Lane, and I was a force to be reckoned with.

  THEN, THERE IT WAS, out of the darkness and into the pale moonlight. Galloping on its two hind legs and using its arms to reach a greater speed, the deadly creature ran toward me. A Lycan! And there was only one Lycan I knew... Harland.

  “Harland, pack it in!” I yelled.

  His blackened body was scarred and shredded, having fought a thousand battles before. He wore a coat of fur that shadowed its body from the pain. His teeth were drenched with the blood of his last kill as he leapt to the sky above me. What was he doing?

  I cocooned my body, waiting to be crushed, but as he landed I melded into the shadows with the clarity my body gave me. I could dissipate and walk in the shadow realm, appearing behind him.

  Back from the darkness I appeared, full of force and light. The fire within me transformed to my hands, melding with the beauty of the light I held. They shimmered, smouldering with a heat so powerful it could set the forest ablaze in an instantaneous show of force. Granted, I hated that henchman, but at least I’d absorbed his fire. Now I was unstoppable. I’d like to see him try and take me now!

  Reaching out, I gripped Harland’s beastly arm. If he wanted to fight me, then I’d show him a fight. No one would hurt me again! Harland wore the body of a beast from many moons ago, one that travelled the night through winters moonlight. A natural disaster, a creature like none other. Half man and half beast with an unwilling desire for the taste of blood, raw flesh, and meat. We were its prey, its undefined logic. It needed to kill, salivated at the thought of it. It knew nothing more than death and destruction. Until that moment. Until it had come across a helpless girl wandering the woods alone. He had pounced, and I had grown.

  The stench of burning flesh infused the air as it flung me upward, gripping at its arm like a wounded puppy, sniffling in sorrow. I landed smack against a tree, toppling to the ground. My back hurt, my head shrieked forgiveness, and my mind enraged as infernal instincts took over.

  He towered above me, with its gigantic claws it ripped the branches away, tackling through to steal its prey. With a ravenous howl, he leapt at me once more. He was angry, serious, in-fact. Snarling with rabid jaws clashing around me, I held his head back as it clashed and clambered over, trying to go for the throat, for the ultimate kill.

  I needed to reach my sigil once again, I needed that clarity. The heat from my hands was no longer there. I had lost control, lost who I was. Roll, Taylor, roll! Let go and roll. Releasing my hands from his jaw, I rolled. Letting go as his jaws bit down, barely missing my shoulder, clamping shut on the branch of a fallen tree I’d burned down earlier.

  My body electrified, screeching with an explosive fury; I was angry. He’d meant to hurt me. The violent nature of the bite had melded me into a being with nothing to lose. I reached out and gripped my sigil. Fire and rage shot through me and my body inflamed, angry and pained. This beast had tried to rip me apart, bite into me, threatening my life and was ready to take another swipe at me.

  My body ignited, and I screamed. No pain, no fear. Just pure hatred for the monster before me. I felt hotter and hotter, larger than life, more furious and angry than ever before. Reaching out, my blazing hands held the
monsters jaw, setting it alight and burning the fur from its body. Flesh smouldered, tissue charred as he jumped back, whimpering in pain. His body changed, shredding skin he became human again. A human Harland after all. How could he?

  A voice rose from the background, a voice I once knew. I could hear it, but no longer feel it. The rage within me, the blazing heat, had taken over. So much anger boiling within. The hatred burned. He attacked me, tried to kill me, bite me. How could he? He must die! He’s just like the beast. He’ll kill everyone. I ran at Harland, an infernal demonic figure blazing in all its glory. Harland’s face scrunched, ready for impact. But before I could reach him, Lucian ran at me, knocked me down, pulled me back from the mere human beast before me. He was so strong, and even through my flames, he held me down. Why would he protect him? He’s a monster. He would have killed me!

  My eyes were ablaze with fire and my body screamed destruction. I was no longer Taylor Lane, I was something more, something greater. I pushed Lucian away, and as he leapt forward to grab me, I melded into shadow I was completely in control and reappeared next to the charred human beast that lay by the tree.

  I tried to grip its neck, and then I heard it.


  A deafening, deepened scream, a compulsive controlling word, a word I knew, a name I knew. Something within me stirred. I paused, and just as I did, my eyes fluttered. The cinders they left behind gave way to an intense bright light. Something had smashed before me. The sound of glass breaking all around me, the smell of fire as the trees burned to a smoulder. The light surrounded me, encased me, warmed me even more than any fiery core ever could. It brought back a feeling I once knew, a deep emotion, one filled with mystery and magic, allure and beauty, pain and misery. The emotions poured throughout my soul, enticing each cell with the reminder of human life, human love. The light was the light of love, a power greater than any anyone had ever known, and it filled me once again.