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  • Eternal Entity: A Dark Supernatural Thriller (The Celestial Rose Book 1) Page 9

Eternal Entity: A Dark Supernatural Thriller (The Celestial Rose Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  “Fair! Count me in!” Rowena exclaimed.

  “Then it’s a date, well, a get together,” Pearce said.

  Time passed quickly as the others headed in for a swim. Lucian and I sat together quietly, wanting to talk.

  “Time to ourselves,” he said smiling.

  “Yes,” I replied. My body heated up, hands clammy. “I don’t think I should be alone with you.”


  “I can’t control my urges,” I said.

  “I happen to like your urges.” He laughed.

  “That’s the problem.” I smiled.

  “How about we go for a swim, cool your urges down?”

  “Sounds...” before I could finish, he’d picked me up and rushed us both over to the water.

  “Lucian!” I yelled. “Put me down!”

  “Okay,” he said, dropping me in the water and laughing. The water was lukewarm, if that. I shivered, gasping for air.

  “Jeez, its freezing.”

  “Want me to warm you up?”

  “What, with your ice-cold body? No thanks.”

  “Ouch. I can think of other things to warm you up.” He laughed, splashing me.

  That meant war, as I dove under and pulled him down with me. The water was clear, beautiful, in fact, creating a weightless memory in the mind that holds me. We swam together, hand in hand, hair floating, eyes bright, as the sunlight stroked the surface above us.

  Coming up for air, Lucian joined me, holding me tight. I embraced his body with my own.

  “This is perfect,” I said, as I curled into his arms.

  “It is,” he agreed, lifting my chin so our eyes met, lips touched, and we kissed like we’d never kissed before.

  Heading back over to the others, hand in hand, we smiled.

  “And, where have you two been?” Pierce chirped.

  “A gentleman never tells,” Lucian said, smiling and wrapping a towel around me.

  I huddled in his arms as we ate. The picnic was lovely. The strawberries were, of course, my favourite. Lucian teased me with one. Everyone was soon back in the water, soaking in the sun.

  “So, what can you tell me about the Femme Fatales, then?” I asked out of curiosity.

  I wanted to make sure my feelings for him were mine and not just this new nature I’d been gifted. Then again, I’d always liked him, right from the start. I supposed the Femme Fatale had given me the confidence to act on that.

  “Well, from what I’ve seen with Elisha, they can manipulate and bend others to their will. They like to dance... lots, and it seems that’s how they absorb life to increase their beauty. They can live for thousands of years but they’re only immortal if they continue to feed. Most are like Elisha, only feeding a little from each person in a large group. That way they can move about unnoticed.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad. At least I can live as long as I want by not taking too much from others.”

  “Yes, but the years you add on to your life will be taken from other people’s lives.”

  “Okay, well maybe it’s not that good then.” I frowned.

  “The other problem is,” he paused, “the roses.”

  “What what’s wrong with them?”

  “They’re like a beacon to all things supernatural, luring them in from afar... and that’s fine for me, but I’d rather not have to battle every creature for your hand in marriage.”

  Choking I looked him in the eye.


  “No, not now, you’re too young. But one day, perhaps.” He smiled.

  “Okay,” I sighed, a little relieved.

  “Taylor!” Rowena yelled “Come on, come join us.”

  Pearce and Chase were heading back to the blanket as Lucian lifted me up, pushing me forward in effort to join in.

  “Go on, Taylor. I’ll stay here with the lads.”

  Heading over to the lakeside, the water streamed over my toes, trickling between them at the shoreline. Looking back, Lucian was engaged in conversation with the boys. I slowly wandered in to the lake, ready to greet my friends.

  Jake was heading out, leaving his twin, Emma, behind as he ran past splashing me, laughing while he sauntered over to Lucian, Chase, and Pearce. It was beautiful though, standing there up to my chest in the clear water of Lake Meed, feeling the sun’s rays caress my body, captivating my breath. In the distance, Lucian was watching as I dove further into the water, diving underneath, swimming with the fish, gliding through the plant life. I used to love swimming, it always made me feel so relaxed and at ease with life.

  As I popped up to the surface, Emma greeted me with a splash of water and giggles. Treading water, I came back with an almighty wave cupped from my hands, ready to take down any who stood in its path. The four of us laughed the afternoon away, splashing each other, racing to the rocks, and floating on the surface catching the shimmering rays of the sun.

  As we floated, Rowena started giggling to herself, clearly something had tickled her fancy.

  “Are you going to share with the group?” I asked, smirking.

  Rowena continued laughing, until she finally calmed herself.

  “I was thinking about Lucian kissing you.”

  “Huh, what?”

  “The kiss, Taylor, we all saw it. You two are mesmerised by each other.”

  My cheeks reddened.

  “Why is it so funny, though?” I asked.

  “Because Elisha’s face will be a picture when she finds out she’s getting a new sister for Christmas!” She laughed again, uncontrollably, before spluttering in the water, clearly choking on her own humour.

  “A new sister!” I exclaimed “What? No, it’s way too soon to talk about things like that.”

  Emma started laughing as she pushed me aside.

  “She’s having you on.”

  “You make it too easy!” Rowena exclaimed, laughing again as Jessie hugged me.

  “It’s okay Taylor. We all know you like him. He’s sweet on you and you’d be blind not to see it!”

  “But!” Rowena exclaimed.

  “What now?” I asked.

  “I don’t know if its Elisha’s face I can’t wait to see, or Harland’s!” she laughed.

  “I know I’m going to regret asking, but why Harland’s?” I asked.

  “You’re so blind, Taylor!” Emma shouted. joining in the laughter. “It’s obvious he likes you. He actually talks to you!”

  “Oh,” that’s all I could really say to that. After all, I liked Harland, but as a friend.

  There was just something about him, something different. It was unexplainable. Besides that, though, I liked Lucian. I felt as though I had met my mate, my other half, my yin to my yang. We matched.

  Sadly, the day ended as the autumn winds burst through the bright blue sky, encapsulating us with their brisk breath. We swam back to shore, with the rocks below glinting with the light of the dwindling sun. The girls went ahead as I dove under for one last swim.

  I didn’t get very far when I was pulled backwards with my foot caught in a rope. I tugged to release myself, but no matter how much I pulled, I couldn’t escape the tangled mess I’d got myself into. Normally being caught in a rope wouldn’t send panic streaming throughout me, but when you’re trapped under water with no air to breathe, that’s another thing.

  Damn it! Get this thing off me. There was no pulling it away. It was cutting into my ankle as blood floated from the scene. I was stuck, held down by an old rope attached to a pile of rocks. Panicking, my lungs deflated. A fearful tightness swarmed across my chest as a breathless agony swept through me. My body ached as it convulsed for air, cloaked in a soft blanket of water. Alarmed, I tugged and tugged to pull myself free, causing my ankle to bleed even more with the pressure I was putting on the rope itself.

  There is a moment when you’ve passed through the panic, after your own body has convulsed. Muscles tighten and then relax and you try to breathe one last time. A moment where you know there is no possibility
, no longer any hope, and the instinct to fight wanes. You slowly surrender, giving up on life. Your body relaxes, eyes tremble, and life flashes before you. You slink into an unconscious state, where your body attempts to naturally breathe, taking in only water as you experience a form of wet drowning, a passage onto the next life through the death of another.

  Moments where we die are unfortunate, to say the least. Another set of brain cells lost, only to be forcefully brought back to life as your new beloved rescues you, again. Lucian had dove into the water as he saw the girls come out without me. He’d smelt the blood, apparently. By that time, I had already begun drowning through death's endless peril. Reaching me, he had seen the convulsions and my surrender before I closed my eyes. I was grateful for his unnatural speed and strength, as he broke the rope that bound me.

  I woke up spluttering, bringing up the contents of Lake Meed from my lungs.

  “Taylor! You scared the life out of me,” Rowena exclaimed as she rushed over to hug me.

  “Sorry.” It was all I could think of to say.

  Lucian held me tight, wrapping his muscular arms around to protect me.

  “Never leave me again,” he whispered with an edge of uncertain worry in his voice.

  After that theatrical set of events, we boarded the VW and headed for home. The journey was one spent in his arms, exhausted from the near-death experience. But my mind was elsewhere, wrapped around the beauty of swimming with friends, the gentle kiss Lucian betrothed earlier, a picnic under the autumn sun, and a mesmerising sunset plunging the world into darkness once again.

  It wasn’t long before I collapsed on my bed, fast asleep and travelling through the Land of Nod. In my dreams I began to wander through a surreal landscape etched into my deep unconscious mind. One where beauty and delight took hold with a trimming of pure rarity and perfected passionate desires. In this dream, though, an orchard lay before me with vibrant green trees coiled with branches of apples and pears. The mud beneath my bare feet squelched as I walked, feet that had painted toenails softened by a shade of pink. A floating, white gown wisped its way around my body, covering me in its calming shade, falling lightly on to my skin. Softened skin like a baby, with not a mark in sight. Pure and beautiful, radiant as the brightness of the sun.

  I took my time strolling through the orchard before me, taking in its beauty and feeling blessed to have a dream such as that. It wasn't very often I was able to pass through such a beautiful place. The sun shone lustrously above, bringing a sparkle to the journey I was about to partake on. What the journey was, I wasn't certain, but the pathway before me lay clear and pure beyond intent. The air was fresh and my heart fluttered freely in excitement of what wonders lay beyond.

  Travelling along, my bare feet caressed the ground, drifting across the landscape. The soil tickled my toes as I passed over it. I knew I needed to reach the end of the orchard, something pulled me that way. A tinge of hunger surged through me, my stomach grumbled and groaned as I reached for a rosy red apple. The apple appeared juicy, with a crisp outer texture, promising a succulent mouth-watering experience. Its perfection lay in the palm of my hand, assuring me my desires would be answered if only I took one bite.

  With its fairy tale appearance, it shone with an elegance and richness as though it was bursting with a pleasurable flavour, full of vibrancy. My mouth watered at the thought of it passing through my lips, gently stroking across my tongue, releasing itself into me, easing my hunger, and fulfilling my inner desire.

  I knew I needed the apple, wanted it, but in the distance the wind murmured a warning of sorts. As I brought the apple up to my lips, the sounds grew louder and more panicked. It was too late. I was lost within the dream, my own peaceful place, my heaven, as it may be. Without another thought, my teeth punctured its skin, releasing a chunk of goodness into my mouth. The slippery piece glided around my tongue, releasing its delicate juices into me. With each bite I felt my hunger diminish further, until it eventually dissipated, leaving me with a satisfaction of completeness. Feeling full, I looked down at the remainder of the apple, gagging uncontrollably as it changed before my eyes. I spit out the remains as blood oozed over my hands.

  I dropped the object to find it wasn't an apple at all, it was a piece of meat and skin. It looked as though it was from a person, a human, a friend, perhaps. Before me lay a pile of bodies ten-foot-high, covered in blood and claw marks with bites taken out from every angle.

  The blood welled out of the meat as I gagged at the thought of it rushing through my body. It swarmed across my feet like bees to honey and wrapped itself across my pretty pink toes. My innocent white dress became covered in the stench of death, cradled with the blood of many lost in battle. The mirage before me revealed its true state; a blood-torn battlefield with a mass of beastly creatures charging over the skulls of the fallen.

  Thunder clapped and the Heavens opened, rain poured down, washing away the bloodied landscape. With each thunder clap, the screams of innocent victims became more apparent. The screams grew louder as the rain fell faster, drowning out the battle that lay before me.

  In the corner of my eye, a large wolf-like creature stood on two feet. A Lycan of sorts. It fell to all fours and prowled, watching my every move, purring with desire and pulling my beauty towards him. The creature skulked and snarled, circling my fragile frame, and as adrenaline raced through me like lightening coursing through my veins, fear took over my form and my body alerted itself to its oncoming end.

  It pounced at the last moment, and as it did I covered my head, protecting myself as much as I could. I waited with my tense body ready, but nothing happened. The storm calmed and the noise of the battle fell silent. I peered through my hands. I was no longer beside the monster, or beneath it. Instead, I had now appeared on the edge of a tree line, and helplessly watched a massacre take place before me. Two defenceless girls moved quickly away from the creature as it hunted them, enjoying every second of it.

  Their screams of panic ploughed through me, ripping through my body with a fear beyond any I had ever known. I could feel their pain as I ran towards them, screaming at them to run. They ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, but the younger one lagged behind. The older girl stopped to help her, and it proved to be the last move she ever made. Her caring nature would be what ended her life that day.

  The last thing I saw was the monster land above them on a fallen rock, right in front of the face of a cliff. It took flight, pouncing, landing on the older girl, crushing her chest and tearing her head from her shoulders. It slashed and sliced, ripping across their fallen bodies until their screams fell silent. All that was left was a bath of blood-soaked leaves and the splatter of life across the cliff face.

  The sobs of a young woman broke the silence as I pleaded for her to run, to get away. But she cried harder, and with the noise she made, the monster turned. But he turned to look at me, watch me. As he bared his teeth I realised who the cries came from. The sobs were my own and the screams were a part of me.

  The ground surrounding me rumbled, tearing itself apart as my body shook violently. The creature leapt towards me and as the stars began to fall, I opened my eyes to find my father shaking me and Caleb shouting my name. I wept, crying maniacally as my father stroked my hair, holding me tight until I fell fast asleep once again.

  Chapter 10

  It was date night. After a day of pampering and shopping with the girls, we had picked a selection of impeccable outfits for our evening.

  The Stratton Fair had been in town for a couple of nights, but it was the last opportunity we had to share in the extreme adrenaline rush that came with gravity shifting through Yorkshires countryside. The Gravity Shift was the ride all the kids talked about, a Frisbee-shaped flying cocoon hanging delicately on a pendulum.

  Its victims were pinned to the threshold, hanging on for their dear lives. It kept on spinning at miraculous speeds with the centrifugal force keeping the kids at bay. The thought of it made me sick to my st
omach, but I wouldn’t be the one to cower in fear.

  “Are you okay, Taylor? Your heart is racing.” Lucian asked.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.” I smiled hesitantly, hoping I wouldn’t give myself a myocardial infarction before I even got on.

  Pearce laughed as he punched my shoulder playfully.

  “Ha, Taylor, you’re going to love this monster!”

  “I do have a thing for monsters.” I smirked, eyeing Lucian beside me.

  “Come on, Jessie,” Pearce said as he took her hand and pulled her into the queue.

  Rowena, Chase, and the twins followed as Lucian picked me up, fireman style, running towards the queue of future victims. Pretending to drop me, I kicked out.

  “Lucian! Put me down,” I giggled.

  “Get a room you two,” Rowena groaned, clearly she had hoped Ricky would turn up.

  “He may still come.”

  “Yeah, he may.” She smiled faintly.

  Ricky was a boy from our English class. It was clear he liked her too, but even Rowena was too shy to ask him out on a date. The two of them would match perfectly, but neither dared speak to the other.

  “Why don’t we go for a double date sometime, Rowena?”

  “Could do, but how do I ask him?”

  “You just talk to him as you are talking to me now. Ask him if he fancies coming out to watch a movie with you and a couple of friends. He’s bound to say yes!”

  “You think?” she asked.

  I nodded with hopeful submission, that alone was enough to turn her faint sweet smile into something made of glee.

  “Talking about Ricky,” Pearce said, “he’s right behind you.”

  “Ha, nice one Pearce.” He was always the king of all things amusing.

  “No, actually he is,” I said, as Ricky tapped Rowena on the shoulder.

  Rowena’s cheeks glistened red.

  “Hi Rowena!” Ricky chirped.

  “Oh, hello!” Rowena smiled, but her nerves were showing around the edges.

  The conversation was strained, to say the least. Lucian gleamed at the delight of the two, pussy-footing around one another.